Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Television has a greater affect on people`s lives than the telephone has: agree or disagree?

               The television had a greater affect in people`s past lives, but now the technology goes to telephones and smart phones because of how we communicate to each by radio frequency and free support on text.
              The television was popular when we were a child and it was fun because we watched much different kind of TV programs such as SpongeBob and MTV. My favorite channel was the comedy channel and the food channel because it inspires to become like one of them it is tasty and funny the same time. Television has come later than telephones, but it became better afterward, I mean its good to have a TV in the living watching it with your family or someone who by you all the time. TV is a technology that is used to portray continuing images and play it all through the day. It shows images to us so we can remember the images and talk about it with our friends and families.
              Now days TVs are used to watch programs and been used to portray the finest images called blu ray and it will inspire people to buy TVs more often as possible. I know that more and more new TVs are being made to the society also known as flat screen TVs. The Television is the most affected thing right now to people, but I disagree with the TV.
              These days and the year 2013 telephones and especially smart phones as in touch screen phones are the device that most people are using. The Telephones are the device that game to the world long before the TV did. It has an use to communicate people when they are far away and make them in reality of what they are saying. We can do many things phones these days, such as playing games by download apps it is the term for application. There wide range of different apps that we can get even though its for business or personal things in your or my life. The understanding of one person having a phone is like having your own notebook laptop. We have created the best technology in mankind. That’s how we call it on the years of this time. There is always about 3 or 4 months that new technology or device it born into the world which make us easier to live in life.
              I think that in life we have to communicate more often on phone then just to watch the TV all day. I disagree that TV have more affect on people

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