Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Define beauty

I am not really sure if I really know the definition of beauty, but I know that it means someone who is pretty and beautiful. Someone who has nice features and admirable and an exquisite face is how I would define beauty.
              To others or the real dictionary says that beauty is the art of fine face and also meaning beautiful. Well I just made that up and I can’t search right now because I don’t have internet and yeah. This sucks because the internet at the school is slow, but I can`t blame the school for it because it’s not the school, but us, students. We are the main reason why we have slow internet connections. We truly apologize, joking, I don’t care a bit because it’s just sometime in class we have internet or not. Oh wait I have internet and the definition of beauty is a characteristic of someone in someplace  who would give a great experience of pleasure or satisfaction. I really don’t know how to define beauty up to now because its really complicated I mean by myself.
              Beauty doesn't apply to everyone all the time because it’s the matter of life and dignity in which people are born in different kinds of situation and different kind of environment. Beauty can be made up of different ways such as in being a way prospered person of reality and in concentration of certain hobbies.
              I don’t know, but if people think people who wear makeup and act all smart id beautiful than that’s all wrong. This may be wrong, but that’s how I would think if I would say to this beauty. Not all people are born with beauty because of racial things and different genes. The beauty to love is the nature to all mankind and living things. It happens everywhere in the world.
              Beauty is what people who are beautiful, but sometimes affect the art of beauty. This can portray as the beauty of portraits in painting, for example the last supper or some of Leonardo Da Vinci`s painting and sculptures. The absolute thing to beauty is the definite smile and this will occur in various situations such as when someone go to France where they visit an painting with beauty that’s how they can determine the beauty of the portrait.

              This is the definition of beauty and this in the paragraph is how I define it.

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