Sunday, October 6, 2013

Define of success

              The way I would define success is that of a person of someone being perfect in life and no need of being in pain but in relief. The real meaning of it is the accomplishment of something that is aim or purpose. I think it’s alright to think both ways. Success can make people in some ways bad or good. I don’t think that it in a bad way, but yeah it could change somebody like that. When people who are positioned in a vice state and suddenly got promote to a president state they can change their whole attitude toward people and society because their previous minds have changed to a new one.

              As life goes from the beginning or the start it will eventually go ahead where one goes forward and one goes behind. Success is towards where people usually accomplish to aim. I would personally want to aim for success as many people want and as many people don’t want. Success is the key to everything in life that is what many people desire to have.
              Success is what you have to do when that person or I have to show hard work and show the condition of desire to work. Also to keep your courage and determination to work together with somebody and aim for success. I know that my grandpa was in success that he was very successful and that he gave his success to my dad and sooner or later, he will give it to me or my little brother. This will be like a custom to us and can`t be given to anyone else. I am seriously giving in to take the resort and do my best to work the resort and make it pleasurable to the employees and service the customers in the resort.
              That is what I want to do and make it my dream. At first I wanted to do something with computers, but I realize that it was too hard to study about it and besides when it comes to business, then its money and then to success. This is the source to success and leads to richness in equality. I want know the life of success in reality and try to accomplish my life because right now I`m a junior and the feeling of being one is not like when I was a sophomore. As I go on to college it is the life that I always wanted and dreamt of. If success means to live life fullest then I will do what it says, but if it was the real meaning then I will do my best to become accomplished and successful.

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