Tuesday, October 1, 2013

If I were to have one super power, what would it be and why?

              If I were to have one super power, it would be to control time and space. I would want to control time and space because I saw the movie for X-men first class. There was a guy in there that would move object with time and space. I know it sounds like two powers, but he is one of the strongest and coolest in that movie. I would admire his power if he was real, but what I really want is his super power to move any weighted objects. His super power is what idolized the most and it amazes me that he could use his power to do something like fly and twist anything that is an object.
              If I had his powers the first thing I would do is to help the people who is in need of help or in danger. They would be the first priority in my list of things I would do if I had a superpower. It is wonderful to realize that super powers aren't real because if we did then the world would be chaotic of what the people could do or terrorize to the people. I wouldn't know what would happen to the world.
              Well the second thing I will do when I get my superpowers is that I’m going to use my powers to mess up the island unnoticed and unseen. It is one of my unknown secrets that I will keep to myself and never reveal it to anyone, but me. I will not vandalize things, but I will make things a little different. I would sometime lift objects to my room like a vending machine and arcade box. It’s not stealing but it is like borrowing it.
              The third thing I’m going to do is to control the gravity of the plane and eventually glide through the air. I will make myself go to foreign countries like the Middle East and stop the war between America and them. I would stop making the kids there fight and make them have peace instead by giving them a government. Then I would go to Africa where there is less water where I would get a gigantic glacier to bring to Africa and melt it there to give fresh water to them. It would be almost like a donation to them and it would be the best water they have ever tasted in their whole life.

              These are the things that I will support and do if I had the power control space and time. It will be the greatest gift that god has given to us and will benefit to the world. It will regain America’s prosperous state back and will give peace back to everyone. It doesn't matter who you are or when you are realized to be someone if you have the heart to help someone in need then it okay. 

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