Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bucket list

               My bucket list is that I want to do many things such as kill myself or jump of a building when I want to die. I`m just kidding, I don’t want to die yet; I have many things I still haven’t done in my life. This is what I want to do when I have nothing else to do in my life or when I have no life, having depression and no ways to cure. Let’s just leave it to that and say that I want to have more money than anyone else so that I can live my life luxury not poverty. My real bucket list is that I want to get successful in the future, get married to beautiful lady, and have a lot of money. This is the way I want to be it like, but I know fate isn't going to like this.
              The things for my bucket list is this, I want games, a life, girls beside me(hot), money, big house, my own plane, unlimited gas, own arcade center, and last is my own five star hotel. The reason I want all these things is because it`ll be suitable in my life and never less the things in my bucket list are all things many people would want. Game is the best thing in young boys life and ladies are the best things in men`s life. Money is the main source of life in every human society, it the source where greed and desire is created. I love money as humans love money also. A big house is also nice with many rooms so that my family or relatives can stay there and live happily ever after. I `m just kidding, but I am saying that for my relatives and family. My own plane is to travel without traveling expenses from other airplane company. This progresses my liability to make my life easier to travel. The unlimited gasoline is for the plane and the car I’m going to buy with my money. I also wanted and plane maintenance team that would fix my plane all the time. This would cover my insurance and would live a no stressed life. An arcade center is the thing I would like the most because it is the source to my problem, if I have stress or problems with something I just go to my arcade center and play games. My five star hotels is the one I want to have the most because it’s a company that service well given customers and I want it because I want to go over what my grandpa has built. It will be the greatest of all the hotels in the world.

              My bucket list precisely says that I want to crazy yet not to dangerous things in my life.

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