Wednesday, October 23, 2013

3 things I would bring if I was stranded

Three things that I would bring if I was about to be stranded is unlimited food supplies, many girls with me and weapons to keep me guard. The reason why I bring these things is because it’s the need of one man`s life to need these, but only for certain men and this could be the source to every dramatic things going on throughout people`s lives.
If I was really stranded in an island then I would be scared like crap, but the same time I would also be calm and steady to prepare what may go through while I yield for help or survive there for the rest of my life. I don’t think that will happen until when I`m either targeted by someone or in debt. That would be my only assumption on being stranded on the island.
              Well my first thing to bring in the stranded island for my personal needs is the unlimited food supplies, the reason why I chose this is because, what human can withstand a year without food. That person would be inhumane because a normal person withstands at least a month and without water is only about 3 days. Well the main things that I would want to bring are food and water, but there like the same except that one is liquid and one is solid.
              The second thing that I would to bring is hot beautiful ladies beside me to the stranded island because men can`t live without women, except if they are homosexual or have some phobia with girls. Off from that, the ladies will calm me down and give me some loving. It is the desire for men to get some comforting ladies, such as Adam and Eve; they were loved and created the love in the world. People in the world are loved in marriage and in family right now. This is the reason why I want to bring ladies in the stranded island, to get some comforting.
              The third and last thing that I would want to bring to the island is weapons because it is safe to keep guard to you and I want to keep myself safe from wild beast or other dangerous, maybe even cannibalized people who is extremely hungry. This could be safe around me and other people I might have to protect. I don’t want anyone to die or anyone to get hurt from the weapons. This is why I want to bring the weapons to the stranded island.
              Now you see why I want to bring these 3 things to the stranded island, mainly so I don’t get bored. I respect to other people that they might not like this as a reason, but I would type up anything that I might like.

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