Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Year Resolution

My New Year resolution is to become fit as in muscular and skinny. The reason why this is my resolution is that I have been told to lose weight by my parents and relatives. This could be a new year where I could actually become skinny again. I`ve been working on getting skinny and muscular at the same time, but I can`t resist eating. During summer I ate a lot of food and didn't work out or do anything that will exercise my body. Then I thought that when school started I would go running every day and go gym on the weekends as much as possible.
              During my summer I have made bets with my uncle and grandfather that if I don’t get muscled on the stomach then I have to give them a hundred dollar each to them, but if I lose then I will have to pay them hundred dollar each to them. It was all or nothing to me, so I will definitely lose weight and become skinny. I have promised my friend to lose weight together last year, but I failed to complete my obligation. This year I will definitely turn skinny and not fat at all.

              Another of my New Year resolution is to get good grades and make sure I don’t fail to repeat because I have heard that when somebody turns into junior, it will be significantly hard. I don’t know if I can do well in all classes this year, but I will definitely do my best this year because if I fail this year, it’s over and I will not go to a good college. This year makes very nervous, all of it because of AP and the course. The teachers are very nice this year, unlike last year.
              During summer I have studied one and a half months on AP Stat, but even though I have studied, it still will be hard because the teacher said we will have to read a lot. I hope our class is going to pass AP statistics. This year we have two AP courses unlike last year we had only, but it hard. I think the AP English and AP statistics will be the hardest class this year.

              My last New Year resolution is to study for the SAT and get a good score. This is normally what students do when they reach high school, they study for the SAT and do the test and if they score high, it will determine what kind of college you will be able to go. The average score is 1500, but people will aim higher than that score. There are about eleven chances that we can take during our junior and senior years. It isn't like a very hard exam and we can take a minimum amount of chance.
              As long as we study hard there could be a chance where we score high.

This starting school year, I will study with my tutor which I have to do an exam for SAT on December. I was hoping not to, but my guardians and my parents agreed to my tutor of taking it.

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