Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Favorite Metaphor of Love

              My favorite metaphor of love is love is star and I like this because it far beyond my reach and it is bright as a sun looking through your eyes. It is the love that gives me confidence and strength, as the star is up love goes further away. The metaphor that I describe is much stronger than it looks. It’s quite the look of what it can be expected.
            Speaking of stars, they are very bright and beautiful. Somebody once told me that if one person died then they would become a star. I seriously don’t think that’s true, but I wonder why sometimes there is a lot of stars in Saipan and hardly in Japan. There are literally no stars in Japan and it reminds me of the story that I told you just a moment ago. It is just in my mind for so long and can’t get it out but its fun to have this imagination in my mind.
              Will I ever be a star when I die, maybe not, could be a myth or legend, I don’t know. I know that a star is part of the sun, but they are everywhere like ants. Ants is warming everywhere like when a white guy is having lunch and opens his locker to get his lunch, suddenly there is ants all over his lunch and spills it on the cool glasses guy, that’s unbelievable. Speaking of ants, stars is the main topic of love and is the thing I want the most. I thought it’s the star of hope, but I did not know that it was the love is star.
              I like stars because they are beautiful because and tell you what the zodiac signs are and makes you want to believe the story in each of the zodiac stories. Especially with the flute and hamlet and the children. It’s about how they controlled the children with the flute they are using for sacrificial to god. It is tragic but good story.

Love is a star which is bright as the sun and makes me brighter than ever. It is the symbol that I like and I want.

1 comment:

  1. 大丈夫だぜ、女子は世界に星の数が在る。

