Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Which of the seven sins am I most guilt of?

            One of the seven sins that I am most guilt of is, I have a heart that devises wicked plots. The reason I have this sin is because in my mind I have always thought of wicked and unusual plots in my mind, but doesn't actually happen. It still is a sin to think about because I will not able to think like a good person if I keep doing this. I have thought about deceiving people or thinking of caring nobody or anything. This was also not auctioned, but if someone made me so pissed off, I would take think of a wicked plan or and plot it, how will it go. Then I will take actions from the plan because it was I thought of and I will give no damn about anything and eventually lose control, then listening to no one.

              I have another reason that this is my sin because I am a person who keeps his hatred to himself and let it all out in the end. It is like I keep all my stress then later on if I was mad, I let it burst out. Also I don’t want to keep all the stress because it is depressing and sad every time I go through that situation. I can calm myself down if I lay down on my bed while doing that my eyes are on the computer watching Japanese drama. I think everyone has committed sins, maybe except people who are raised as church people like nuns or priest. For my opinion, I think that everyone in the whole world and only humans had that greed to commit sins. I do not know that for sure, but I need to learn things from the world that make me realize what is happening in the real world.

              Everyday I have this mellow mind going to school, committing no sins and no hatred to anyone is I just in class bored. I am thinking what I will do after school and thinking when it will be over. Over these past few years, I have been a good boy and think not committed any sins, but many thinks I have committed sins. I do not really like the word sin because it is like I did something, but we don’t notice it. Committing sins is bad, but it isn't exactly as killing anyone. I mean killing is far much worse than plotting wicked things from the heart. For me I think that humans are created to live, laugh, smile, have emotions, and some people think humans are not supposed to commit sins and they are all good, but in reality it is all for nothing but things. If there light, then there is always darkness and if there is darkness then there is always light, it is just like the yinyang symbol.

              I guess the reasons are all over my mind when it comes to my heart that devises wicked plots.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Your Favorite Trip

      My favorite trip was when I went to Australia with my Family. It was the best time I ever had. I had the most favorable time of my life. It was when I was like 12 years old and I went there in eight hours flight. I was tired and sleep from when I woke up in the morning. I got ready to go to the airport in 4 o’clock in the morning and I felt like I was about to sleep in a few seconds. I went to the airplane and then waited there, but I had a pretty good time there. During the flight, I ate chocolate cake and watched several movies in front of my seat. I slept in the plane for about 4 hours and four hours of the other time, I slept through it.
After about eight hours I finally reached to Australia where we changed our money to Australian money. It was cool to see other foreign money and after we did the boring paper works, there was actually a Japanese tour guide who guided us to this hotel where I thought it was the most fantastic, more than mine. It was a hotel, but it looked like a resort that had its own private beach, it was the most things in my life because there were big fishes, sand, clean water and a waterfall, but the sad thing was I had no swimming suit because I didn't know. That was the sad part in that day, but I was happy to see the scenery out in balcony.

A day later, my family and I went to the water park somewhere in the place I went and then I saw a pack of dolphins and many different kinds of sea animals. Later on that, I can`t really remember what happened, but it was fun. The next day we went to an amusement park with many land animals. That was where the first time I have seen snakes, alligator, koala and Kangaroos. I have seen many things in my life, but that is the first time I have seen many reptiles.
In the amusement park, I have ridden in many rides, except for the roller coaster. Then I went to the restroom where I found it amusing because the stalls were all connected and I can see many things dangling down, but I was small that time so I didn't care that much. The evening has gone through and the last ride was the helicopter where it was amazing because I could see high above like the sky.

Everything was alright and we got back safe to Saipan where the same tropical weather and the same people, but when I went to Australia was one my favorite trip.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Is it better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice? Do you agree or disagree?

 I disagree because even though you know everything in the world, it doesn’t matter; humans are not created for perfect human beings, but as balanced as possible. People are created to live life and as peaceful as possible. It is good to ask people because they would know how things are different then what you know and besides I know a person can`t know anything because I think it is impossible for a single human being to be as prosperous like a perfect being.
You know, I want to be a perfect human being like in the movies where they have super cool effects that make them even cooler. Any ways, I really think that you should not think on your own and solve problems because everyone needs help. There is this one guy in our class and says that he is better in academics than our class and giving us his high pride. I think he is lying to everyone that he is smarter than everyone else in the class.
They say that in the world, there are unspecified things in the world, and if somebody or I is stranded on some place and there are some people, it is better to ask somebody than to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems. There are people who think they know everything from experience and knowledge, but they could be actually be cheating from their life or making up things that will make people believe them.
I hate people who are like that because they think they are always right, but no they aren't. They are nothing but lazy people with no knowledge of whatsoever and think that it is alright to say it in front of people. The things that I disagree with this question are most certainly that you shouldn't always rely on your knowledge; I mean you should, but not all the time. I mean, if you use your knowledge and experience to solve problem it is good for the brain to work efficiently, but over exert is quite hard for the brain.
In the last of my suggestion, I think that this shouldn't be a problem with everyone because answers will vary in many situations. One wrong step in using and knowledge and experience then it’s over because the thing is that it requires you hard work and effort to gain to solve problems by our own.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Favorite Metaphor of Love

              My favorite metaphor of love is love is star and I like this because it far beyond my reach and it is bright as a sun looking through your eyes. It is the love that gives me confidence and strength, as the star is up love goes further away. The metaphor that I describe is much stronger than it looks. It’s quite the look of what it can be expected.
            Speaking of stars, they are very bright and beautiful. Somebody once told me that if one person died then they would become a star. I seriously don’t think that’s true, but I wonder why sometimes there is a lot of stars in Saipan and hardly in Japan. There are literally no stars in Japan and it reminds me of the story that I told you just a moment ago. It is just in my mind for so long and can’t get it out but its fun to have this imagination in my mind.
              Will I ever be a star when I die, maybe not, could be a myth or legend, I don’t know. I know that a star is part of the sun, but they are everywhere like ants. Ants is warming everywhere like when a white guy is having lunch and opens his locker to get his lunch, suddenly there is ants all over his lunch and spills it on the cool glasses guy, that’s unbelievable. Speaking of ants, stars is the main topic of love and is the thing I want the most. I thought it’s the star of hope, but I did not know that it was the love is star.
              I like stars because they are beautiful because and tell you what the zodiac signs are and makes you want to believe the story in each of the zodiac stories. Especially with the flute and hamlet and the children. It’s about how they controlled the children with the flute they are using for sacrificial to god. It is tragic but good story.

Love is a star which is bright as the sun and makes me brighter than ever. It is the symbol that I like and I want.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Describe Myself

If I should describe myself, I am Japanese and born from Japan. My name is Yuta Kitami. I am 16 years old and I go to SIS Saipan International School. To tell you the truth I was born in Japan, but was raised in Saipan. I was born in Nagano, Nakano-Shi in Japan. It is a Rural Place with mountains and old people. When I was 3 months old, I moved to Saipan and there on I lived and schooled on the island of Saipan. People call me rich, but I am just a normal person nothing BIG. I have dark skin and I am sort of tall. I smile like an angel and very nice guy.

I love music and animations. My favorite type of Music is everything because I am a multi genre person. I like it because several types of music, but different tunes and sounds. It’s like I have a passion for it. Animation is sort of like Japanese cartoons and I like it because of I have been watching it when I was little and it excites me whenever I watch it.

I am a normal person with a normal family. I have one younger brother, one dad and one mom. My nanny is like my guardian and very close to me. My nanny took care of me when I was still a little baby back then. I wear glasses and have acne problems. I have died my hair to ash brown and am a little messy with my hair. I am a little fat and big, but okay size. I am not that smart.   

Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Year Resolution

My New Year resolution is to become fit as in muscular and skinny. The reason why this is my resolution is that I have been told to lose weight by my parents and relatives. This could be a new year where I could actually become skinny again. I`ve been working on getting skinny and muscular at the same time, but I can`t resist eating. During summer I ate a lot of food and didn't work out or do anything that will exercise my body. Then I thought that when school started I would go running every day and go gym on the weekends as much as possible.
              During my summer I have made bets with my uncle and grandfather that if I don’t get muscled on the stomach then I have to give them a hundred dollar each to them, but if I lose then I will have to pay them hundred dollar each to them. It was all or nothing to me, so I will definitely lose weight and become skinny. I have promised my friend to lose weight together last year, but I failed to complete my obligation. This year I will definitely turn skinny and not fat at all.

              Another of my New Year resolution is to get good grades and make sure I don’t fail to repeat because I have heard that when somebody turns into junior, it will be significantly hard. I don’t know if I can do well in all classes this year, but I will definitely do my best this year because if I fail this year, it’s over and I will not go to a good college. This year makes very nervous, all of it because of AP and the course. The teachers are very nice this year, unlike last year.
              During summer I have studied one and a half months on AP Stat, but even though I have studied, it still will be hard because the teacher said we will have to read a lot. I hope our class is going to pass AP statistics. This year we have two AP courses unlike last year we had only, but it hard. I think the AP English and AP statistics will be the hardest class this year.

              My last New Year resolution is to study for the SAT and get a good score. This is normally what students do when they reach high school, they study for the SAT and do the test and if they score high, it will determine what kind of college you will be able to go. The average score is 1500, but people will aim higher than that score. There are about eleven chances that we can take during our junior and senior years. It isn't like a very hard exam and we can take a minimum amount of chance.
              As long as we study hard there could be a chance where we score high.

This starting school year, I will study with my tutor which I have to do an exam for SAT on December. I was hoping not to, but my guardians and my parents agreed to my tutor of taking it.