Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not?

             I think the SIS teachers should allow the students to use their cell phones in class because it would be better off with not using any cell phone. The first reason is because if somebody or an emergency who had called and we didn't answer it because of no cell phones allowed. Everybody would be surprised of not knowing it and would end in despair. The second reason is that we should use as a computer to ourselves and people sometimes forget their laptop and sometime have to look for definitions. I think this is what we need in our everyday lives. Coming to school every day without cell phones is like hell to all high school students.

              Now days, smart phones like a touch screen phones are available and they come in handy because of what the application do in the smart phones. Many people in the world are now considering changing their phones to smart phones such as the iPhone or the Samsung galaxy S3 or S4. I have the Samsung galaxy S4, which is spectacularly amazing in specs. It has a 5 inch wide screen which enables to watch big screen movies. Almost like watching a movie in a laptop full screen, but in a smaller device.
              Even teachers these days are using cell phones or smart phones during class and sometime we have this need to use our cell phones, but there is this one moment where we almost got caught. Even though teachers around the world says that we don’t need cell phones during the school day, we have no obligation to follow this rule and if I did that then I would be already gone from my school because I didn't follow the rule.
              This rule is so absurd because almost everyone in the high school uses their own cell phone or smart phone and why do we have not use during school day. What if there was somebody having a heart attack during the school day at the play ground and no one was there with no cell phone to call the hospital? I don’t think the person who is having the heart attack is going to make in time without someone having to shout or a cell phone. If this could really happen then I could prove everybody that we need to use cell phones everyday during the school day.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

What are three things that will make my life perfect?

Three things that will actually make my life perfect, that is to….I`ve never actually thought about it. The truth is that I need a lot more than three, but the one I want the most is money, power and girls. If I have these three things then I would be the happiest person in the world. I mean every guy in the world would want these things to be part of his life. If they didn't want these things then they would be either weird or stupid. I will say this that the majority of the male in the class would choose the things that I put.
              The reason why I have picked money is because I wanted a lot of money so I could support my family and relative, then I could be a big house, and could live my life of dreams. Money is the main source of the world and I would do hard working things that I would not normally do for money. Money can change a person to greedy, evil bastard, but I can also change into a beggar. It’s a win or lose thing. I can buy many things with money like items of phones or things like food and all sorts of other stuffs.

              The second thing power and if I had a power over people then I would be known to everyone and wouldn’t have to listen to anyone. The things the I want with power is that to make things not get powered and defenseless. I need to use this power or good and not to become as bad as other people. Power has given the life of energy between people and life. It gives us strength and dignity to overcome what hard things come for. Everyone would have the power to overcome things, but what we need is the effort to beat it. Power gives the right to become the leader and the strength to lead people away from misery, but to wisdom.

              The last is girls because, girls are the one that give men the energy to feel good and become the man of their lifetime. The girls are what make men happy and willing to d anything for them. Girls could be the life source of men and could be more feared than power or money. This could be the ultimate source for men. The girls are more fierce and wild than guys. Every now and then the generation would change and girls are more feared than boys. I would be scared right now if that would actually happened.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In the past people were friendlier than we are today. Do you agree or disagree?

              I think I agree with this because in the past people were so nice that they gave us good compliments to each other and a nice warm welcome to each other. This time all has change because we are grown people already. We start to understand each other by talking and doing things. I am in high school right now and I have this huge pressure that everyone in my families company is saying that I am going to take over my resort. Both my mom and dad don’t give a damn about what I do and what I care in my life because they are both busy at work. Everyone starts to change, even I have changed. When I was about 12 years old I was a bright kid, but now I will dull and lazy. Sometime I feel like a kid when I go insane. It relieves me stress. Also my friends were so kind, but suddenly mean and still nice. It gives me this presence that many of the people changed.

              As life goes on things have changed like the family relation or friendship with other and also making friends. Every year and on our class changes things, fashion, hair styles and all sorts of other things. I have seen our class from junior high through high school with some new student and some of them have changed very odd. When everyone goes into high school people start to take their work very seriously. That is because it will affect in some college resumes and so parents will have no worry in the grades because it is not like elementary or junior high. Everybody needs to tighten up because we are going to college and some maybe leaving this island. I am holding a lot of responsibility right now, most of all is that to go college and take the SAT. It makes me nervous that there is about fifty questions in each section and three parts, but it will give the score of what college we are able to go to.

              I am happy and down right now in my life. The reason is because of the family relationship and study and friends. The study and family relationship is the bad things because of stress and anger. My friends and music is the only ones that calm me down, but I know that life is hard and we need endurance. In the past my friend in fourth grade was the nicest person, but when he changed school he changed to this person I don’t even know. He turned even messed up then other people I have seen. Well, now that I know that life has changed people are starting to realize that it is there truth about themselves. They can change and think differently than others. Maybe after all it is was the time to face reality of the future world. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who is my favorite superhero?

              My favorite superhero is batman because he is the man. He is the man because he owns many cool gadgets that make movies from batman look cool. Batman is a character that hides in the darkness like bat in the dark. He makes normal people look cool because his fighting style and actions of what he has done is super cool. He is idolized by many young children, the fact that he is a superhero, he is also a billionaire.

              Batman has his own secret layer where his butler is the technicians and helper. He has a side kick called Robin Hood and he is red and outstanding. Anyway batman is cool person because whenever there is crime he comes out of knows where then he punishes the criminals until they have gone to mercy. I know that he doesn't have super powers, but he gets things that normal superheroes don’t have. He is rich so he gets things like a car that transforms to a motorcycle or a plane. When I watch Batman`s movies, the first thing that I thought in my mind was that he was cool. Everyone loved batman and he is still idolized by many children around the world.

              Many people mimic the villain, the joker and basically he is also a human, but a cruel lonely being. He joins forces with other villains and terrorizes the city. When all the other villains are attacking the city batman comes from the dark and beats them up. He always works alone, nobody by him except his partner robin hood. Robin Hood only appears in the comics, not in the movies. The most recent movie was the dark night that became popular once again. 

              I think he is the only superhero that is my favorite. I have never read the comics, but his movies is what amuses people and attracts attention of people. Many people still like him and idolize him throughout the world. His features of him is cool because he has a black costume like a bat and cool gadgets like a blade shuriken that’s sharp and tough. If I were to be a billionaire, I would want things that batman had. The logo is very famous among the people in school. I know that it is a fiction story, but this could happen because they are humans with super strength.