Thursday, December 12, 2013

What I believe about truth

Truth is telling someone what they really know or what they really believe what is right to know. This is the exact definition that I would say to myself, but I really don’t know what the real definition is. The real definition says, something that is a real fact, well the fact the truth is there is truth in every reality.
              What I believe in truth is that when someone tells you a secret it is then a truth of something that I kept for long and when telling somebody or anybody, then they has to keep it a secret. It’s a process through reality the world has ambition to tell the truth of something and in the known world the truth is kept secret.
              In many truth there is an hint that hinders in it and if this is shown then all what is shown will the true answers will reveal to the far distance of person`s eye. In example of the unnatural incidents or the supernatural incident like ghosts are always false because there is at least one hint that it might occur because of the environment or the settings.
              Truth lies beneath you and will always, maybe not all the time, but most of the time. The probability of something that can be true or not true could be like a fifty by fifty percent chances, it’s like saying yes or no. The truth always reveals the real facts because it is what it is.
              What people about the truth are sometimes the hardest thing to believe because you can`t tell if they are lying or not, but sometimes they tell the honest things. People say that the truth is right beneath your eyes, and sometimes I think to myself is that this phrase is crap and I don’t think it’s true. I don’t care if it’s even an expression, but this phrase is just plain boring to me.

The truth of what I really truly believe is to make the reality believe the faith in the faith in truce. The truth is always the right answer and always the good one. I believe that the truth will always cure the falsified depression and will make things good or bad. Many reasons, for example when I am talking about bad truth that means either there is the truth where someone will eventually dies and there the good one that you got good grades and that’s the truth.

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